Tuition & Scholarships
Tuition Scholarships/Volunteer Assistance
Tuition Scholarships are awarded to parents with financial need to assist them by lowering the tuition of their children. This amount is granted and deducted from the overall balance of their Volunteer Assistance is awarded to parents with financial need. Parents awarded with volunteer assistance may volunteer their time at a rate of $7.25/hour for tasks that need to be done for the school, and in some instances the church or Christian Formation. In some cases, grandparents also volunteer their time in the name of their grandchild(ren). This awarded amount is not deducted until the parents/grandparents have volunteered their time, submitted the required sheets to the principal documenting their time, and the principal has initialed and submitted to the business manager to be applied to the outstanding tuition balance.
All wishing to apply for Tuition Scholarships and Volunteer Assistance must fill out the Tuition Scholarship Application and submit this, along with a copy of their most recent 1040 Tax Return to the School Office. All applications must be received by May 31 to be considered for assistance. (New families that register at a later time are given different deadline.) Awards are based on the 1040 Federal Income Tax – Taxable Income line, figuring out the income per Tuition Scholarships and Volunteer Assistance will be awarded to those of greatest financial need. A set figure is awarded each year.
2021-2022 Application for Tuition Scholarship/Volunteer Assistance