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Growing kids faithfully for over 125 years!

An organized Religion Curriculum is part of the Preschool and Kindergarten through 8th grade program.  Daily religion classes include prayer.  We also attend Mass weekly and on Holy Days of Obligation, which reinforce the students' faith in God.  All students take part in the Mass by reading the Gospel messages, saying petitions and serving as song leaders.  Students deepen their faith through school liturgies.  The daily religion classes provide a foundation in faith history and nurture strong values to help our children as they encounter new challenges, issues, and concerns.

The students have the opportunity to share their faith with the community by visiting New Richmond Nursing Homes, having Prayer Partners, and praying for others.  The discipline is Christian based and values are strongly emphasized Community Service.

Sharing our faith with others is part of our every day life at St. Mary.  We do this in a variety of ways, including
•       Help at Feed My Starving Children
•       Veteran's Day Program, reception and homemade gifts
•       Penny Drive for Grace Place/ Five Loaves Food Shelf
•       Make greeting cards for seniors
•       Collate things for church bulletin
•       Lead Rosary at St. Pat's
•       Host donuts at St. Pat's
•       Hold an Alumni/Parent/Community Tea
•       Leading music at weekend liturgies
•       Pet Blessing
•       Make and donate lap quilts and pillowcases to Grace Place
•       Singing at Deerfield at Halloween and Christmas time
•       Make placemats for Community Thanksgiving dinner
•       Food Drive for the Five Loaves Food Shelf
•       Hand Chime concerts at Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills
•       Holiday cards for the police and fire departments and post office employees
•       Hand Chime concerts at Deerfield
•       Third Grade brings a large valentine centerpiece and valentines to Deerfield
•       Provide meals at Grace Place
•       Faith Friends
•       Safety Patrol
•       Donated hats and mittens to homeless shelter in St. Paul